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Our Work in Rwanda

World Dance for Humanity is a Santa Barbara-based grassroots organization helping 28 Rwandan communities left divided and destitute by the 1994 Genocide. We provide goats and cows, student stipends, support for community-run businesses, training (in agriculture, business, and leadership), and community support (health insurance, solar lights, mattresses, reusable menstrual pads, etc.). With this assistance, we’re able to help 14,000 people build new lives. 


Our goal is to help these people “own their transformation” by supporting projects that they envision and plan. This approach is possible thanks to our Rwanda Team, whose deep understanding of their people and extraordinary dedication make it possible to penetrate the hopelessness and division in these communities and inspire them to work together toward a brighter future.


Every designated dollar from our dance classes, donations, and grants goes to our work in Rwanda, thanks to an annual gift that covers our minimal overhead.


See our co-op families in this Rwanda Trip Video 2019

Since 2013, World Dance for Humanity has provided the following to our Rwanda co-ops:

  • 1,966 Goats for families

  • 107 full-grown, pregnant Cows collectively owned by the co-op

  • 143 Calves from these cows

  • 10 parcels of farmland

  • Education Stipends for 421 Primary, High School and College students

  • Two Preschools for children 4-7 years-old, including buildings, equipment, and teachers’ salaries

  • Annual Training Workshops in Agriculture, Veterinary, Business, and Leadership

  • Annual Health Insurance for 3,750 people (on average) who cannot afford the $5 annual fee

  • 20 Co-op Businesses: Bakeries, Seamstresses, Event Rentals, a Water Project, a Café, Ventilation Bricks, a Craft Store, Bees, Beet-Juice, Brick Production, and a Tilapia Fish Farm

  • Reusable Menstrual Pad Production in 4 co-ops

  • 883 Mattresses for families sleeping on the ground

  • 619 Solar lights for students

  • 431 Water Filters & Training (each filter serves 10 people for 3 years)

  • 140 Clean-Air Cookstoves

  • 81 Bicycles for co-op businesses to transport goods

  • 8 Laptops to co-op businesses

  • 7 Rainwater Collection Tanks

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“Our generous and life-changing sisters, I wish I could be with you to express gratitude for the blessings I have because of you. I am not growing older but growing younger; you keep me strong all the time. You brought back my hope and happiness. Now I have you as my sisters, and a strong foundation for my children and grandchildren. I meet with you in my heart anytime I think of what you are doing for us. My heart is connected to yours and I can feel it. My life is no longer the same since you started helping us.”


– Mary Kanzayire, Twiyubake Co-op



Clean-Air Cookstoves

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Community Support









World Dance for Humanity is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.


Federal Tax ID #46-2890372


© 2024 World Dance for Humanity. All Rights Reserved.


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