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Visiting Rwanda

During two weeks in July, 21 World Dancers and supporters traveled to Rwanda to visit the 25 communities we are working with there. Each day we traveled into the countryside, climbed out of our little bus, and into the ecstatic, tearful embrace of these people whose lives we have changed, and whose courage, love, and self-sacrifice are changing ours.


I am so grateful to each of the travelers for the enthusiasm, humanity, and heart they brought to the experience. Deepest thanks to my intrepid team who helped make the trippossible: Justin, Dany, Judy, Chantal, and Genevieve!


Each community we visited was a unique, compelling experience unto itself, and we have so many stories to tell about the time we shared together. We took more than 18,000 photos, and filmed the entire experience (video coming soon!).



On August 14th, 21 World Dancers and supporters returned from an epic Rwanda Trip that filled our hearts, expanded our consciousness, and connected us to never before. We spent each day with the communities we serve - celebrating their progress, talking about their lives, working on the land, making donations (goats, bicycles, water filters, solar lights, mattresses, toothbrushes, reusable menstrual pads, cookstoves), and of course...dancing!


I am so grateful to the Travelers for their leap of faith in embarking on this journey with us, for rising to an intense emotional level required each day and meeting the physical demands we faced, for opening their souls to the Rwandan people, and to each other.


I hope the trip will come alive for you in the Rwanda Trip Photos - a sampling from 20,000+ images we brought back with us, thanks to Trip Photographers Susan Goldman, Genevieve Feiner, Grant Beall, and the travelers. (We're also in the process of editing 100 hours of video from Trip Videographers Steve Crain, Genevieve, and Grant, which we'll be sharing this fall.)


Click here to see our Rwanda Trip Photos!


We are all so grateful to our extraordinary Rwanda Team - Justin (Program Director), Chantal (Education Coordinator), Judy (Business Coordinator), and Dany (Program Assistant) - for everything they did to make the trip a huge success. Their sacrifices and dedication make it possible for us to enter the lives of the people we are helping serve, to offer love and support, and to walk beside them in their transformation.

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